Brain Fart: Discover Your Flawed Logic, Failures in Common Sense and Intuition, and Irrational Behavior - How to Think Less Stupid Your first instincts and gut feelings are usually flat out wrong. Discover why, and learn how to actually think clearly.A brain fart is a lapse in judgment. We do this every day without realizing it, and it can have severe consequences on our lives. Use this book as a field guide to think better, understand your feelings better, and tame your stupid brain.Cure your flawed thinking habits and mental blunders.Brain Fart is a book that will get you to think about how you think. Never before has such a deep look been taken into the roots of illogical and rash decisions – how they form, and how they persist in our lives. We all recognize our big blunders, but it’s the subconscious ones that can sink us. Unfuck Your Brain: Getting Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers with science A no-nonsense and helpful guide on how to cope with a slew of mental-health issues that are hellbent on ruining the lives of millions of people worldwide.

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